Why we work with microbes and microbiomes

The DTU Microbes Initiative is world-leading in engineering microbes and microbiomes for solutions addressing the grand challenges of our times, and creating a better future.
We are recognized for interdisciplinary and translational research, innovation, research-based advice, and education to solving the great challenges facing humanity.

We are building a community of outstanding professionals - virtually and in real life on campus - by providing platforms for meetings, discussions, exchange of knowledge and expertise, education, and other activities that support our vision.
We promote interactions locally at DTU, as well as nationally, and internationally, and bridge scientific boundaries to inspire each other and find new solutions that shape a better future.
“We need to bring a diversity of people together – people with different backgrounds, life experiences, and perspectives – to create sustainable solutions to address global challenges such as the treatment of diseases, promoting health, climate change, loss of biodiversity, food production, and clean water."
Sûnje johanne Pamp  Co-founder and former executive director of the dtu microbes initiative